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O resort de Sörenberg repousa no Entlebuch, uma das reservas da biosfera da UNESCO, a 1.165m de altitude. Sua fantástica paisagem pantanosa e suas vidas vegetal e animal únicas deram à região a característica singular de se tornar uma das 400 reservas da biosfera em todo o mundo. A região é um memorável destino de férias para famílias e amantes da natureza.


Holidaying in Sörenberg means experiencing pure nature - and sharing in this wonderful plant and animal world. Nowhere else in Switzerland is there so much naturally protected moorland in such a small area as here. The moor landscape is characterised by the great contrast between the smooth, rounded surface contours of the moor and the rugged Schrattenfluh.

Sörenberg and the 8 km distant climatic health resort of Flühli form a strong family-oriented vacation destination. In addition to several small hotels, Sörenberg has a particularly wide range of holiday apartments and group accommodation. Close to Flühli you may also be surprised to find a restored Art Nouveau hotel.


Sörenberg é a maior região de esportes de inverno do Cantão de Lucerna, ostentando 17 teleféricos e telecadeiras, assim como ferrovias nas montanhas. Divirta-se praticando esqui e snowboard em altitudes de até 2.350m na Brienzer Rothorn, a montanha mais alta deste cantão. A área de esportes de inverno, própria para famílias, também possui uma escola de esportes de inverno, duas pistas de tobogã e passeios guiados com raquetes de neve. Os esquiadores experientes vibram com a região de esqui de Schrattenfluh.


The people in the Alpine valleys have complied with and acted upon the laws of nature for centuries. An important offer in the Entlebuch biosphere are thus guided hikes on topics related to the nature of the environment: karst walks over the Schrattenfluh, cave visits, wildlife observation by Brienz Rothorn, spotting the golden eagle, medicinal herbs and poisonous plants, and interesting facts about the moorland along with legends are the themes of some of these guided hikes.

From Sörenberg a cable car runs you up to the Brienz Rothorn, a popular starting point for wonderful mountain hikes. Here you also come across the steam train that takes you to further heights in summer. Below the Rothorn summit lies the Eisee lake - a beautifully deep blue mountain lake and paradise for anglers, nature lovers and hikers alike.

The place to combine wellness with purest nature amid a moorland landscape is at the idyllic Schwandalpweiher Kneipp facility by Fühli. In addition to the 1000-metre toboggan run, there is also a 3D archery course, mountain pirate treasure hunt, detective trail, mini-golf course, indoor swimming pool and much more.


Family Destination


Lucerna - Região do Lago Lucerna
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Experiências e atividades


  • Sörenberg, Lucerna - Região do Lago Lucerna Aldeia de férias Reka Sörenberg 3 Estrelas

    Recomendado pela Schweiz Tourismus
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  • Flühli LU, Lucerna - Região do Lago Lucerna FLÜHLI Hotel Kurhaus

    Recomendado pela Schweiz Tourismus
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  • Brienz, Região de Berna Hotel Brienzerburli & Löwen 3 Estrelas

    Recomendado pela Schweiz Tourismus
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  • Brienz, Região de Berna Albergue juvenil Brienz (Swiss Lodge)

    Recomendado pela Schweiz Tourismus
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  • Schangnau Bumbach, Região de Berna Kemmeriboden-Bad Swiss Quality Hotel 3 Estrelas

    Recomendado pela Schweiz Tourismus
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Informações de viagem: Sörenberg