Road Cycling in Ticino

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4 Results found
  • Alpe di Neggia

    It takes a climb of almost 1200m to reach Alpe di Neggia, a hidden gem in Canton Ticino, Switzerland’s Italian-speaking canton. The view from the summit is worth the effort!
    Find out more about: + Alpe di Neggia
  • Alta Verzasca Bike

    The upper Verzasca Valley is an almost forgotten corner of Switzerland, but the Ticino couldn’t be more authentic than it is here. The mountain bike is a good choice to explore this remote region.
    Find out more about: + Alta Verzasca Bike
  • Breathtaking: Lake Narèt

    The route from Bignasco (pop: 300) to the source of the Maggia is exhausting; the views, however, are spectacular. The road leads through a dense forest of evergreens and past Lake Sambuco until it reaches Lake Narèt at alt. 2310 m.
    Find out more about: + Breathtaking: Lake Narèt