
Follow in the footsteps of the Tschäggättä and create your own Lötschental mask! On request, groups can carve their own masks in the carving workshop in Ferden under expert instruction.

The remoteness of the Lötschental has given rise to a wealth of tales, legends and myths. Wild figures that raced through Lötschental's history and have left their traces. It is they who were at the origins of the Tschäggättä custom that is still celebrated today in a real labour of love.
The masked carnival figures typical in the Lötschental, the so-called Tschäggättä, appear in the period between the Catholic holiday of Candlemass and Shrove Tuesday (the day before Ash Wednesday). Every evening after work these wild-looking figures streak through the valley and hunt down and frighten anyone who is still out on the streets.

Informações gerais

Mostrar conteúdo Dados técnicos
Estação de
O ano todo
Tempo necessário
De 2 a 4 horas
Adequado para

Informações sobre grupos e preços

Mostrar conteúdo Dados técnicos
alemão, francês, inglês
Tamanho do grupo
5 - 22
Preço a partir de
CHF 45

Descobrir o que está ao redor



Vale Lötsch
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Informações de viagem: Ferden