The heart - the engine of life.

Lagh de Calvaresc, Graubuenden

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The heart never takes a break and reliably performs its vital task: it pumps blood around the body and supplies the organs with both oxygen and nutrients. Only when the heart weakens is its crucial role noticed. Get to know your heart and take care of it! Facts and figures about the heart:

5 – 6 litres of blood ... ... are pumped round the body by the heart each minute. During exercise, it can increase its pumping capacity to 20 litres, or even 35 litres for those who are very fit.



Heart failure usually develops gradually and is not taken seriously enough by those affected. Early signs include increasing fatigue, shortness of breath and weight gain with water retention

17.9 million people die each year from cardiovascular disease. That equates to around 32 % of all deaths worldwide.


Don’t smoke. The heart will benefit from avoiding nicotine at any age. Five years after quitting smoking, the risk of heart attack will have fallen by 50 %.


Women often present with atypical symptoms when having a heart attack ...

... such as nausea, vomiting and back or abdominal pain. Men, on the other hand, usually experience severe pain in the chest or shoulders and complain of tightness, a burning sensation and pronounced shortness of breath.

Luzern, Boottocht

Exercise regularly, even if you have heart issues. Being fit prevents muscle breakdown and boosts well-being.
