
Visit Noah's Ark Gallery and discover more than 2500 naturalized animals in their natural setting. You will be really impressed by the originality and the quality of the preparation of the animals.

Visit Noah's Ark Gallery and discover more than 2500 naturalized animals in their natural setting.

You will be really impressed by the originality and the quality of the preparation of the animals. A real discovery for young and old.

Thanks to its diversity, travel through all the continents.

Discover the most colorful birds in the world and the biggest cats on the planet.

Enter also in the big book of the fables of Jean de La fontaine.

Discover the work of the taxidermist thanks to a small film and through a window overlooking the workshop.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

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Wheelchair accessible

Group & pricing information

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Further prices (starting from)
Adults : 12.00 CHF
Children : 5.- CHF
AHV and IV : 10.- CHF

Booking Information

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Galerie Arche de Noé
La filature
2824  Vicques

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Jura & Three-Lakes
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Galerie Arche de Noé
La filature
2824 Vicques
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Opening hours

We, Sat-Sun 14-17.30 Groups and classes: every day by reservation

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Travel information: Vicques