
The Innerferrera Mining Museum focuses on ore mining in the southern catchment areas of the Hinterrhein. On display are objects that were used in ore mining, from the carbide lamp to the miner's pick and the gallery transport wagon.

The Innerferrera Mining Museum focuses on ore mining in the southern catchment areas of the Hinterrhein. On display are objects that were used in ore mining, from the carbide lamp to the miner's pick to the adit transport wagon. A model of a cable car, numerous photographs and historical documents as well as exhibits of mined ores such as silver, lead and copper enrich the exhibition. Ore mining in the regions of Schams, Hinterrhein and Ferrera probably dates back to the Middle Ages, the history being documented from 1605 onwards. In addition to the high-altitude mines, there were smelters and smelting plants in Innerferrera, Ausserferrera, Sufers and Andeer. The Hinterrhein Ore Mines Association, which founded the Innerferrera Mining Museum, documents the eventful history of mining and also offers guided tours of the tunnels and facilities.

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Bergbaumuseum Innerferrera
7445  Innerferrera

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Bergbaumuseum Innerferrera
7445 Innerferrera
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Opening hours

Beginning of April - end of October 8.30 a.m. - 6.00 p.m.

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  • JUFA Hotel Savognin, Val Surses Savognin Bivio Pleasure-packet Grand Tour

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    valid: 31.05.2024 - 31.10.2024

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