
At the end of the summer Appenzell farmers don colorful traditional garb and make their way with their cows back to the valley. The alpine cattle descent to Urnäsch is a festive occasion for them and an adventure for guests from near and far.

In September families that live on the alps dress in festive traditional clothes and move with their cattle back to the valley. Children form the vanguard of the procession – along with the white, hornless Appenzell goats. The dairyfarmer follows with his colorful costume: yellow breeches, a white shirt and the “Broschttuäch” – a red vest. He marches accompanied by three especially beautiful cows, which carry heavy bells on artistically decorated straps. The farmers follow with the other cows, the horse carriages and the pigs. The procession walks for hours through the picturesque landscape like a painting come to life, and is received by an enthusiastic audience in Urnäsch.

The Urnäsch alpine procession is a large festival that enables ancient traditions to come fully to life again: at the farmers’ market, where one can sample Appenzell cheese and other specialties, with the boys’ choir or with the lively pigs race.