Symposium Arts & Science: Trans-cultural / disciplinary Practices: Art
Symposium with art practitioners, scientists, mediators, cultural historians, students, and an engaged public
organized by Damian Christinger, curator and writer, Zurich & Ravi Agarwal, artist, curator and writer, Dehli
11:00 The Science Gallery in Bengaluru, A presentation on a new museum in India, which defines its mission as to bring “science back into culture”., Jahnavi Phalkey, Director Science Gallery Bengaluru
11:30 Art as Method? A roundtable discussion on the futures of art and science collaborations.
Mira Hirtz, artist and co-curator “Critical Zones. In Search of a Common Ground – a travelling exhibition” , Monica Ursina Jaeger, artist, Institute for Natural Re- sources, ZHAW, Waedenswil — Jahnavi Phalkey, Director Science Gallery Benga- luru — Moderator: Damian Christinger, curator and writer, Zurich
12:30 Lunch Break: With Betty Jones and Andrea Sommer, in collaboration with WE ARE AIA I Awareness in Art and Klimapavillon Zurich., Wilder Platz Zollstrasse 99, 8005 Zurich
14:15 Art for societal transformation?! A dialogue between Funders, Academia, and Practice. Ravi Agarwal, artist and co-convener of the Bergen Assembly 2025, Delhi
Andrew Holland, director Mercator Foundation, Zurich — Dr. Pia Hollenbach, Disaster, Risk Expert and Senior Researcher, University of Technology, Business and Design Konstanz — Martina Huber, founder WE ARE AIA I Awareness in Art — Sonja Schenkel, Art- Science Collaborations, Storytex, Zurich — Moderator: Damian Christinger, curator and writer, Zurich
--Coffee Break
16:00 Embodiment: Whirling to a Happy Future, Sonja Schenkel, Art-Science Collaborations, Storytex, Zurich — Simon Sharky, director The Necessary Space, UK
17:00 Apéro, Library for a Happy Future Werdmühleplatz 8005 Zurich
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