Visão geral

  • Data

    08. junho 2024

    Sab 09:00 - 23:59


The traditional ascent of the Eringer cows to the Belalp

The alpine summer only really starts when the cows head up the mountain. The farmers from the Blatten-Belalp region lead their cows up to the Belalp on the so-called "Aufalpungswochenende". Every year, many enthusiastic spectators marvel at the beautiful animals and cheer them on during the cow fights.

09.00 a.m., cattle drive

10.00 a.m., Holy Mass followed by blessing of the animals

11.00 am, start of the fights

Festivities on the Chiematte, directly at the top station of the gondola lift.

Note: This text was translated by machine translation software and not by a human translator. It may contain translation errors.

Informações sobre o evento

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Endereço para contato
Burgerschaft Naters
Schulhausstrasse 1
3904 Naters
+41 27 923 06 10
Localidade Chiematte
3914 Belalp
Estas notícias são veiculadas pelas agências de turismo regionais/locais, e a Schweiz Tourismus não assume nenhuma responsabilidade pelos conteúdos publicados.

Datas de eventos

  • sábado, 8 de junho de 2024

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08. junho 2024

Sab 09:00 - 23:59

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