Visão geral

  • Data

    05. maio 2024

    Dom 17:00 - 18:30


Concert by The Choir of the University and of the Jeunesses Musicales.

The Choir of the University and of the Jeunesses Musicales will perform the Missa Nr 9 in D by Johann David Heinichen and the Magnificat by Johann Christian Bach. It will be accompanied by the Capriccio Basel Orchester and the soloists Laurine Moulin, Charles Sudan, Gabriel Colin and Simon Ruffieux, conducted by Jean-Luc Waeber.

Tickets on sale on the night of the concert.

Informações sobre o evento

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Endereço para contato
Eglise St-Pierre-aux-Liens
1630 Bulle
Localidade Eglise St-Pierre-aux-Liens
Case postale
1630 Bulle
Event Homepage
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Datas de eventos

  • domingo, 5 de maio de 2024

Descobrir o que está ao redor


05. maio 2024

Dom 17:00 - 18:30

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