10 activity ideas for if you’re looking to elope in the Swiss mountains Text by Morgane Raposo



So, you’ve taken the plunge and decided to elope in Switzerland. And we can’t blame you; the landscapes here will take your breath away! But eloping also means doing away with the traditions of a traditional wedding. So then, what would you do for the entire day? Because, yes, your elopement is your wedding in its own right. You deserve to enjoy it, and not just for a few hours! So here are some ideas to help you put together the day of your dreams, full of your favourite activities.


Wedding couple


Let me start by saying that no, you do not have to want to go hiking in order to enjoy the Swiss mountains. But this activity does have its place on the list, of course! While on a hike, you can find a more secluded spot to say your vows and discover the hidden treasures of our mountains and valleys. Imagine saying your vows at sunrise or sunset on the peak of a mountain, with incredible views in the background. That sounds just like a dream, right?

Exploring a range of places and journeys by car

Wedding couple


However, if you want to elope in the Swiss mountains and you’re not a fan of hiking, fear not! There’s something for everyone here. Why not choose a few places that you can get to by car and spend some time exploring them? A little advice: if you’re planning on going to certain tourist sites, we recommend going either very early in the morning or at the end of day, so that you can enjoy them without anyone else around. If you want to maximise your chances of having it to yourself, you could choose to have your elopement on a weekday.


Elopement au lac de Tseuzier


Everyone knows that enjoying the great outdoors will make you build up an appetite! If you like your meals to be a casual and simple affair, take your food and a nice blanket with you, and replenish your energy while taking in the views around you!

Meals cooked by a private chef

Wedding couple


If you want something a bit fancier, you can hire a private chef, who will cook up a romantic meal for two right in the open air. Make sure that you choose somewhere the chef can access by car though!

Winter or summer tobogganing

Louvie Lake Destination Wedding


For more adventurous types, one of my favourite activities is winter and summer tobogganing. Rediscovering your inner child for a few hours and enjoying hurtling down the slopes at top speed while howling with laughter is such a joy. Switzerland is home to a wide range of runs for all levels. You can go sledging on your own or with your guests if you have any!

Swimming in mountain lakes (for the more adventurous types)

L'Hongrin-Lake, Destination Weddings


Have you ever dipped your toes into a 4°C mountain lake after a nice hike? It may bite, but it will do you good! Cold water swimming has many health benefits (don’t forget to be careful while doing it though!), and you will be able to boast to all of your close friends and family that you did it on your wedding day.

An evening spent around the fire

Wedding couple


What better way to enjoy your time with those closest to you (whether just the two of you or with a small number of guests) than an evening spent around the fire? With its intimate atmosphere, the peace and quiet of the mountains that is only interrupted by the crackling of wood, as well as marshmallows for you to toast, this really is the life! Be careful, though: some regions prohibit wild fires during the summer due to droughts, so make sure that you find a suitable spot.


Wedding couple


Being in the mountains also means that you can enjoy a sky free from light pollution, giving you the clearest possible view for stargazing. Feeling quite small under the Milky Way and admiring the billions of stars that were there long before us while curled up with your spouse would be an incredible way to bring your elopement in Switzerland to an end!

Ending the day in the spa of a mountain hotel

View from Pointe-de-Bellevue


Switzerland is full of small mountain hotels that often have a spa in the basement. After spending a lovely day in the great outdoors, jumping into a warm jacuzzi or enjoying a relaxing sauna with your partner would be a wonderful way to round things off.

Join your close friends and family and celebrate in a chalet

Elopement au lac de Tseuzier


There are dozens of ways you can make your guests part of your elopement, whether that’s enjoying the entire day with them or just including them in one part of it. Everyone knows that food brings people together! You can spend your day together with just the two of you, and then join a larger group of guests in a chalet that you have rented for the occasion, for example. By doing this, you will get the best of both worlds. One last thing: I want you to know that anything you want is possible. There are no rules. It’s your wedding, and you decide!

Morgane Raposo Photographer

Morgane Raposo is an adventure elopement and couple photographer. She’s on a mission to find the best places in nature for every kind of couple, so they can have the most relaxed elopement ever. She loves creating magical ambiances by playing with light and the natural surroundings.
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