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De tweede etappe loopt van het door gletsjers uitgesleten Verrucano-landschap, dat doet denken aan Scandinavië, naar de grasrijke, zonnige hellingen van het Glarner Mülibachtal en verder langs de Liasplooien op de Magerrain en de gipsverschijnselen op de Wissmeilen.


Three lovely mountain lakes are located in a wetland area at the head of the Murg valley. The stage begins at the Murgsee hut surrounded by meadows and mountain peaks. Over rock-strewn terrain, the trail climbs steeply up to the Widersteinerfurgglen at an altitude of 2,013 metres. Here the view opens up over the Sernftal valley.

The trail now heads downhill again through the rocky and steep Widersteiner Loch. Below Bützistock and Heustock, the southern slope is crossed on a high-level path with a magnificent view of the Glarus and Graubünden alps. You descend on a narrow path and later on a solid gravel road in steady ups and downs and briefly pass the tree line. After the ski hut at an altitude of 1,759 metres, the trail heads uphill again. Below the path, the slope drops steeply and the Mühlebach stream plunges deep down into the valley.

After crossing the Mühlebach stream, the trail continues uphill on a narrow path across lush meadows. There are more boulders in the pastures now as the highest point of the route approaches. The huge mountain formations are visible from here, and steep scree slopes and tiny mountain lakes fringe the path. On the Wissmeilen pass at an altitude of 2,416 metres, a magnificent panorama opens up from the Alvier to the Piz Sardona, the namesake of the World Natural Heritage Site.

One of the most spectacular phenomena of the UNESCO World Heritage Tectonic Arena Sardona is the Glarus main overthrust. A line visible from afar, running horizontally through the mountain range, separates rocks up to 300 million years old from younger rocks. Far below the earth's surface at that time, the older rock layers have pushed onto the younger rock layers and today lie as peaks atop the mountain range. This and other geophenomena make the history of the formation of the mountains in this area tangible at first hand.

Now the route continues downhill for another 470 metres to the destination of the stage. The trail leads past the Verrucano rock which is known for its great diversity in colour. The Madseeli lake invites you to take a refreshing dip before you reach the Spitzmeilen hut a little later. With the growing popularity of skiing, it was built next to a spring in 1903. Situated on the steep slope of the Fetschenchöpf at an altitude of 2,087 metres, it offers a fantastic view over the Sargans region and as far as the Churfirsten peaks.

De sleutel voor een prettige wandeltocht is onder andere een zorgvuldige planning. Win op voorhand inlichtingen in bij de plaatselijke informatiedienst over de toestand van het traject en de weersomstandigheden. Afhankelijk van het seizoen en de weersomstandigheden kan de route gesloten of onderbroken zijn.

Technische gegevens

Inhoud Technische gegevens weergeven
Eén richting
Hoogte (meter boven zeeniveau)
2000 m boven zeeniveau
1000 m
720 m
13 km
4 h 45 min
Technische vereisten
Vereiste conditie
Geschikt seizoen
juni - oktober
With panoramic view, To a mountain peak
Meer informatie

Alle etappes


ZwitserlandMobiel wandelkaart: Dit element is niet toegankelijk voor personen met lichamelijke beperkingen.



Etappe: 2/6


13 km


4 h 45 min


1000 m

Reisinformatie: Filzbach (Kerenzerberg)