
Why roe deer antlers grow in winter.

The roebuck looks small and delicate when it leaves the forest for the meadow in July. Its antlers are also far less impressive than those of the red deer. But why is there no velvet on its antlers at the height of summer? Roe deer have their mating season now, unlike red deer which breed in the autumn. But their young are born almost at the same time as the red deer fawns: in May or June, when the trees and herbs sprout to provide excellent feeding conditions for the deer. The roebuck sheds its antlers in November or December, after which a new set begins to grow.

More informations

Latin name:Capreolus capreolus
Natural habitat:Deciduous forests throughout Switzerland
Size:Head and body length 95 – 135 cm
Weight:15 – 36 kg
Population:130,000 animals
Breeding season:No hibernation

Source: Lorenz Heer: Wanderungen zu Murmeltier, Steinbock & Co. Die besten Tierbeobachtungen in der Schweiz