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A magnificent path through the Franches-Montagnes between the villages of Le Noirmont and Les Bois. It’s a discovery of the region's marvellous nature. It is composed of pasturelands, pine tree forests and inviting and typically named hamlets, home to the former houses of artisan watchmakers.


From Le Noirmont railway station, take the underpass towards the south. After vast pasturelands and then a slight climb through the forest, you'll spot the hamlet of Peu-Péquignot. The horses are kept outside, even in the winter. If you head further west, the next hamlet, le Creux-des-Biches, will come into sight. Then you'll see the hamlet of Les Barrières midway through the route.

Next, you’ll find yourself in a beautiful field until you reach the hamlet of le Boéchet. This part of the region is also the homeland of the first peasant watchmakers. You might see the odd house where the artisan watchmakers used to work in the 19th century. A museum, located in Le Boéchet, highlights the development of watchmaking in the Franches-Montagnes region. The route continues south and climbs through the forest. Then you arrive at Cerneux-au-Maire. This is followed by a magnificent journey across pastured woodlands as far as the village of Les Bois, where you can visit the site of Maison Rouge, a retirement home for horses.

Una ruta llena de diversión requiere una planificación cuidadosa. Consulte con la oficina de información local con antelación para conocer la ruta y las condiciones meteorológicas. Dependiendo de la estación del año y de las condiciones meteorológicas, esta ruta puede estar bloqueada o interrumpida.

Datos técnicos

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Lugar de salida
Le Noirmont
220 m
160 m
9 km
3 h 30 min
Nivel de exigencia física
Perfil de altitud
220Metros de ascenso
160Metros de descenso
Mostrar perfil de altitud
Signalisation in one direction
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Mapa de senderismo de SwitzerlandMobility: Este elemento no es accesible para personas con discapacidad.


Jura Tourisme
Rue de la Gruère 6
2350  Saignelégier

Teléfono  +41 (0)32 432 41 60


Número de ruta

N.º 223


9 km


3 h 30 min


220 m

Información del viaje: Le Noirmont