茵特拉肯 Interlaken

Interlaken, shipping port Villages



茵特拉肯 Interlaken位於伯爾尼高地 Bernese Oberland的一個沖積平原上,圖恩湖 Lake Thun和布里恩茨湖 Lake Brienz之間。艾格峰 Eiger,僧侶峰 Mönch和少女峰 Jungfrau三座大山坐鎮的渡假目的地,是各種活動的出發點。


早在19世紀初期,伯爾尼高地 Bernese Oberland的茵特拉肯 Interlaken,已經因動人的山野風光而著名。名人如歌德 Goethe和孟德爾頌 Felix Mendelssohn,就曾到這些山裡遊歷。1890年,伯爾尼高地鐵路 Bernese Oberland Railway竣工;隨後1912年,少女峰鐵路 Jungfrau Railway的也相繼建成,都進一步提高了茵特拉肯的旅遊聲譽。

茵特拉肯作爲一個渡假勝地及國際會議的目地點,是無數短程旅行的理想出發點。不止45條山地鐵路、纜車、吊車,都帶遊客通往200公里的滑雪道和密集健行旅遊路線網。此外,還有輪槳蒸氣船等遊船,在圖恩湖 Lake Thun布里恩茨湖 Lake Brienz上行走。


在冬季,遊客因著茵特拉肯的中心有利位置,可以每天從少女峰頂滑雪區 (米倫 Mürren/雪朗峰 Schilthorn、客雪萊德 Kleine Scheidegg/滿裡很 Männlichen和菲斯特 First),或者在適合家庭旅遊的貝阿滕貝格 Beatenberg、Axalp-布里恩茨 Brienz,選擇自己最喜歡的滑雪點。那裡有超過45條山地鐵路、高空吊車、吊椅等把滑雪運動愛好者帶上200公里的滑雪道。附近亦有進行越野滑雪和雪橇滑的地方。茵特拉肯、貝阿滕貝格、Axalp-布里恩茨、哈布凱恩 Habkern、溫德史維爾 Wilderswil及少女峰地區,共有超過220公里的冬季健行路線。茵特拉肯渡假區的遊客,可以使用日常的滑雪巴士,轉乘到達附近的米倫/雪朗峰,客雪萊德/滿裡很和菲斯特等的滑雪區。


駛向少女峰的火車,朝向格林德瓦 Grindelwald和勞特布魯嫩 Lauterbrunnen方向,都經過米倫 Mürren、並從那可以前往雪朗峰 Schilthorn;同樣地,從茵特拉肯東火車站 Interlaken Ost railway station開出的火車,則經過客雪萊德 Kleine Scheidegg與少女峰山坳Jungfraujoch相連。那裡有船隊,包括圖恩湖和布里恩茨湖,各有著名古老懷舊輪槳船行走。茵特拉肯座落在日內瓦湖蒙特勒 Montreux的"黃金快線 Golden Pass"觀景火車路線上,它經過格施塔德 Gstaad豪華渡假村到達茵特拉肯,再從茵特拉肯穿過布呂尼希山隘Brünig Pass直去琉森 Lucerne。

距茵特拉肯十公里座落著貝阿滕貝格 Beatenberg − 尼德宏峰 Niederhorn山脈,山脈的向南山坡,是滑翔傘愛好者的天堂,亦擁有大量的健行路徑。尼德宏峰也是野山羊、岩羚羊和土撥鼠的棲息地。


In your element: experience the magical forces between the mountains and valleys

Untouched natural surroundings, crystal-clear waters and snow-covered peaks provide a sense of wellbeing. Romantic hideaways promise unparalleled relaxation.

Some hotels enchant you as soon as you see them. Around Interlaken, unique hideaways can be found that promise a relaxing break from everyday life. A luxurious boat house as a spa facility with views of the snowy mountains and hot pots on the pier are just two examples of the unique gems on offer. The power of water is evident wherever you go: The deep blue waters of Lake Thun, the magical turquoise waters of Lake Brienz, and the deafening Giessbach Falls are just as impressive in winter, too. For a particularly delightful experience, look no further than Brienz, where cheese fondue is served under the canopy of the sky.


In the heart of Switzerland, beautifully situated between mountains and lakes, the Interlaken/Thun/Lake Thun region is rich in tradition and a matchless place for holding congresses: First-class conference facilities such as the Kursaal Interlaken Congress Centre with its historic premises and state-of-the-art auditorium, numerous hotels, incomparable events venues with meeting and banqueting facilities, as well as a wide variety of excursion destinations nearby, some of which are world-famous.



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Crowd prediction


  • 茵特拉肯 Interlaken, 伯恩地區 Bern Region Victoria-Jungfrau Grand Hotel & Spa 5 Stars


    1 Night, Price per double room

    from CHF 598

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  • 茵特拉肯 Interlaken, 伯恩地區 Bern Region Carlton-Europe Vintage Adults Hotel 4 Stars

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  • 茵特拉肯 Interlaken, 伯恩地區 Bern Region Jugendherberge Interlaken

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  • Unterseen, 伯恩地區 Bern Region SALZANO AG Hotel-Spa-Restaurant 3 Stars

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  • 梅利根 Merligen, 伯恩地區 Bern Region Beatus Wellness & Spa Hotel 5 Stars

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旅遊資訊: 茵特拉肯 Interlaken