楚格 Zug

Zug, Aerial Cities



楚格 Zug市是由基堡人 Kyburgers所建立,以低稅率和眾多企業而聞名於世。鐘樓 Zyt Tower是這座城市的地標;登上塔頂,雄偉壯麗的舊城、楚格山地 Zug Mountain和楚格湖 Lake Zug盡收眼底。


13世紀初,來自基堡 Kyburg的伯爵們建立了楚格,城裡高達52公尺的鐘塔也建於那個時代。鐘塔最初只是舊城城墻上的一個入口,在漫長的幾個世紀裡,鐘塔越建越高,結構也愈加繁複,最終形成現在的樣式,窗戶凸出,高聳陡峭屋頂直指天空。1574年,巨大的時鐘完成,鐘塔也因此得名。主鐘之下是一個有四個指針的天文鐘,可以指示星期、月相及月份和閏年的變化。

舊城裡還擁有1505年建成的晚期哥德式的市政廳和同一時代竣工的聖奧斯瓦爾德大教堂 Church of St. Oswald。


Zug is certainly not just somewhere to visit in summer. It has plenty to offer during the coldest part of the year too. For example, there’s the Zugerberg, Zug’s local mountain. Eight minutes is all it takes to get out of the town and into the country. A short hike over the snow-covered winter landscape of the Zugerberg is particularly atmospheric. The Zugerberg provides a contrast to the town’s hustle and bustle with stillness, the beauty of nature and an impressive panorama.

For the more energetic, the Zugerberg is a place where you can put on your cross-country skis and get going. At 925 metres above sea level and looking over the valley mist: the snowy upland landscape is the ideal terrain for it. You’re rewarded with a view of the Rigi and the Pre-Alps. Zug’s winter wonderland is a world of its own, and an inviting place to go sledging and snowshoeing as well.

In Zug itself, winter is also a time for celebration. Old-time customs and traditions live on, such as Bäckermöhli, Zuger Fasnacht, Greth Schell, Chrööpfelimee and Märlisunntig. To find out what lies behind these quirky names, you’ll have to visit the charming town of Zug!


每年五月至十月,楚格市提供免費的單車,讓遊客可以隨時在城鎮及周邊地區自由穿梭,領略各處風景。此外,這裡也有步行徑的網絡,其中幾條路徑沿湖而行,亦可橫跨楚格山地與區內的冰磧丘陵地。除了步行,遊客還可以嘗試騎上自行車或踏上溜冰鞋,在湖邊的專用道路上馳騁。一條廣受歡迎的單車徑路線,越過迷人的楚格山地而抵達艾格里 Ägeri湖,再穿過幽深的洛爾桑杜貝 Lorzentobel山谷回到楚格。炎炎夏日,草木繁茂的洛爾策 Lorze峽谷清凉浪漫。漫步谷內的奇妙溶洞,更可欣賞千姿百態的鐘乳石和石笋。



Zug is seductive and particularly attractive for business events and incentives: in the heart of Switzerland, connected directly to the airport with first-class transport, and boasting a unique blend of urban lifestyle and proximity to nature, Zug has rightly been the focus of the international business world for years. This charming place, known for its sunset, cherries and two beautiful lakes, also extends a warm welcome to its visitors. Small is beautiful – never before has this phrase been more apt than for Zug, where guests will find everything to make an event great in the smallest of spaces. 


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