Parks, Gardens and Squares in Bern

6 Results found

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6 Results found
  • Minster Terrace

    The Minster Terrace with its green spaces and large chestnut trees is perfect for picnics, playing and relaxing. The breathtaking view of the Aare river, the Alps and Bern’s Matte neighbourhood make the old churchyard a popular place to meet and hang out.
    Find out more about: + Minster Terrace
  • Elfenau Park

    The expansive Elfenau Park is one of the jewels of the City of Bern. It offers plenty of activities to delight young and old alike: whether that’s strolling through the historic park, swimming in the Aare river, watching the kingfishers by the river’s edge, attending a concert in the orangery or simply enjoying an afternoon in the park’s own café.
    Find out more about: + Elfenau Park
  • Parliament Square

    The 26 fountains of the Parliament Square’s water display represent the 26 cantons of Switzerland. Sometimes in rhythm, sometimes randomly, the water sprays up to seven metres into the air. This image is quite amazing in many regards. Such a sight would be practically unthinkable in front of other seats of government.
    Find out more about: + Parliament Square
  • Botanischer Garten der Universität Bern

    Mitten in der Stadt Bern befindet sich der Botanische Garten der Universität Bern. 5500 Pflanzenarten laden auf eine botanische Reise rund um den Globus ein: von den heissen Tropen, den zentralasiatischen Steppen über das würzig duftende Mittelmeergebiet oder die schattigen Wälder Ostasiens bis in die kühle Alpenluft.
    Find out more about: + Botanischer Garten der Universität Bern
  • Rose Garden

    The Rose Garden is a mecca for flower lovers and a great place to unwind. It features a restaurant in a prime location and a wonderful view of Bern.
    Find out more about: + Rose Garden