環遊之路沿途體驗 in 達沃斯 Davos

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  • Kirchner Museum Davos

    Ernst Ludwig Kirchner moved from Germany to Davos in 1917, in the hope of overcoming his tablet addiction. The expressionist spent the last 20 years of his life painting in the Graubünden mountains. His works are today admired in the Kirchner Museum - a highly regarded construction by the architects Gigon / Guyer.
    查看更多: + Kirchner Museum Davos
  • Davos Färich Adventure Park

    This suspension rope and bike park is located on the Flüela Pass, right by the “Stilli” bus stop. Enjoy extraordinary thrills and spills on five courses, each with eight stations and varying levels of difficulty. The children’s course perfectly tailored to younger visitors.
    查看更多: + Davos Färich Adventure Park
  • 達沃斯的沙茨阿爾卑高山花園

    在達沃斯(Davos)的沙茨阿爾卑高山花園(Alpinum Schatzalp)內,種植了三千五百種來自比利牛斯山、新西蘭、中國、尼泊爾和西藏等不同的高山花卉。這個不一樣的世界高山地區的花花世界,每年六月至九月便是繁花盛放的花季。
    查看更多: + 達沃斯的沙茨阿爾卑高山花園